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Palestinian Refugee Islam Arsan Locked Up in Syrian State Jail for 7th Year

Published : 07-03-2019

Palestinian Refugee Islam Arsan Locked Up in Syrian State Jail for 7th Year

Palestinian refugee Islam Abdullah Arsan has been kept in Syrian state jails for the seventh year running.

Islam, a resident of Khan Dannun Camp for Palestinian refugees, was arrested by security forces from the Sa’sa’ Branch in Darousha, in Rif Dimashq, on May 8, 2012.

AGPS kept record of the secret incarceration of 1,732 Palestinian refugees, including 108 women and girls, in Syrian government prisons.

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Palestinian refugee Islam Abdullah Arsan has been kept in Syrian state jails for the seventh year running.

Islam, a resident of Khan Dannun Camp for Palestinian refugees, was arrested by security forces from the Sa’sa’ Branch in Darousha, in Rif Dimashq, on May 8, 2012.

AGPS kept record of the secret incarceration of 1,732 Palestinian refugees, including 108 women and girls, in Syrian government prisons.

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