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Palestinians from Syria Sound Distress Signals over Security Turmoil in Ein AlHilweh Camp

Published : 28-04-2019

Palestinians from Syria Sound Distress Signals over Security Turmoil in Ein AlHilweh Camp

Palestinian refugees taking shelter in Ein AlHilweh Camp, south of Lebanon, have sounded distress signals over the security mayhem rocking the area.

A couple of days earlier, a member of Fatah Movement was killed by gunmen in the camp. His family and friends closed off the main access road to the camp with burning tires and roadblocks, calling for impeaching the criminals. A number of families fled the camp after tension hit a zenith.

Ein AlHilweh Camp used to provide shelter to 2,500 displaced Palestinian families from Syria in 2014, down from 870 in 2016. Recent statistics estimated the number of families at some 726.

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Palestinian refugees taking shelter in Ein AlHilweh Camp, south of Lebanon, have sounded distress signals over the security mayhem rocking the area.

A couple of days earlier, a member of Fatah Movement was killed by gunmen in the camp. His family and friends closed off the main access road to the camp with burning tires and roadblocks, calling for impeaching the criminals. A number of families fled the camp after tension hit a zenith.

Ein AlHilweh Camp used to provide shelter to 2,500 displaced Palestinian families from Syria in 2014, down from 870 in 2016. Recent statistics estimated the number of families at some 726.

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