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Palestinian Refugees in Syria’s AlHusainiya Camp Raise Concerns over Health Risks of Uncleared Garbage, Waste Water

Published : 26-02-2020

Palestinian Refugees in Syria’s AlHusainiya Camp Raise Concerns over Health Risks of Uncleared Garbage, Waste Water

Civilians taking shelter in Syria’s AlHusainiya Camp for Palestinian refugees, in Rif Dimashq, have voiced deep concern over the health hazards inflicted by the trash mounds piled up across residential alleyways and the standing wastewater flooding the main access roads.

The residents said wastewater and garbage piles have resulted in bed smells and the spread of life-threatening diseases and rodents.

Photos circulated on social media network Facebook showed standing wastewater and mounds of trash in AlMadaris neighborhood.

Civilians have appealed to the concerned authorities to take immediate action in order to clear garbage and remove standing wastewater.

All the way through the nine-year Syrian conflict, Palestinians taking refuge in AlHusainiya camp have been grappling with dire conditions. High unemployment rates and the absence of relief assistance by UNRWA and other humanitarian institutions have made survival quite difficult in the area.

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Civilians taking shelter in Syria’s AlHusainiya Camp for Palestinian refugees, in Rif Dimashq, have voiced deep concern over the health hazards inflicted by the trash mounds piled up across residential alleyways and the standing wastewater flooding the main access roads.

The residents said wastewater and garbage piles have resulted in bed smells and the spread of life-threatening diseases and rodents.

Photos circulated on social media network Facebook showed standing wastewater and mounds of trash in AlMadaris neighborhood.

Civilians have appealed to the concerned authorities to take immediate action in order to clear garbage and remove standing wastewater.

All the way through the nine-year Syrian conflict, Palestinians taking refuge in AlHusainiya camp have been grappling with dire conditions. High unemployment rates and the absence of relief assistance by UNRWA and other humanitarian institutions have made survival quite difficult in the area.

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