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UN and UNRWA Teams Enter the Yarmouk Neighboring Towns.

Published : 29-04-2015

UN and UNRWA Teams Enter the  Yarmouk Neighboring Towns.

A team of United Nations and UNRWA entered yesterday to the towns of Yalda, Babbila, and beit sahem to inspect the humanitarian situation and the conditions of displaced Palestinians of the besieged Yarmouk refugee camp. The number of displaced people from the Yarmouk refugee camp to neighboring towns estimated with hundreds, who are suffering from living difficulties in light of the absence of financial resources and unemployment. They also suffer of continuous displacement from their homes since the beginning of this month, following ISIS breaking into the camp.

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A team of United Nations and UNRWA entered yesterday to the towns of Yalda, Babbila, and beit sahem to inspect the humanitarian situation and the conditions of displaced Palestinians of the besieged Yarmouk refugee camp. The number of displaced people from the Yarmouk refugee camp to neighboring towns estimated with hundreds, who are suffering from living difficulties in light of the absence of financial resources and unemployment. They also suffer of continuous displacement from their homes since the beginning of this month, following ISIS breaking into the camp.

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