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Distress Calls by the Besieged Yarmouk Residents for Ending Arbitrary Shelling after Targeting the Camp with Rockets and Explosive Barrels

Published : 29-04-2015

Distress Calls by the Besieged Yarmouk Residents for Ending Arbitrary Shelling after Targeting the Camp with Rockets and Explosive Barrels

The besieged residents of Yarmouk launched distress calls yesterday to end the arbitrary shelling that target the camp by the Syrian warplanes with explosive barrels and artillery shells. The residents of Yarmouk appealed the UN and the Palestinian and International organizations to intervene in order to stop the heavy shelling that target the camp. Meanwhile, 14 explosive barrels targeted the vicinity of Yarmouk court, Al Rija square, Ein Ghazal neighborhood, and the Yarmouk main street.

The AGPS correspondent reported that the shelling that targeted Yarmouk yesterday was the most violent, as it resulted in severe injuries among civilians, as well as some families were rescued from under the rubbles. Activists accused the Syrian regime and the GC groups by following scorched earth and systematic destruction policy, especially the area between Rijh Square and Al Waseim project.

The group correspondent described the situation as catastrophic in light of the loss of any medical equipment due to the siege imposed by the Syrian Army and the GC which prevents the entry of medical and relief aid to the camp's residents.

It is mentioned that almost 18,000 person were besieged inside the camp; hundreds of them fled to the neighboring towns following ISIS breaking into the camp on 1st of April. The remaining residents suffer of dire conditions due to the siege imposed by the Syrian army and GC groups for r671 days respectively, power cut for more than 741 days, and water cut for 231 consecutive days, in addition to the increased number of siege victims which reached 176 victims.

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The besieged residents of Yarmouk launched distress calls yesterday to end the arbitrary shelling that target the camp by the Syrian warplanes with explosive barrels and artillery shells. The residents of Yarmouk appealed the UN and the Palestinian and International organizations to intervene in order to stop the heavy shelling that target the camp. Meanwhile, 14 explosive barrels targeted the vicinity of Yarmouk court, Al Rija square, Ein Ghazal neighborhood, and the Yarmouk main street.

The AGPS correspondent reported that the shelling that targeted Yarmouk yesterday was the most violent, as it resulted in severe injuries among civilians, as well as some families were rescued from under the rubbles. Activists accused the Syrian regime and the GC groups by following scorched earth and systematic destruction policy, especially the area between Rijh Square and Al Waseim project.

The group correspondent described the situation as catastrophic in light of the loss of any medical equipment due to the siege imposed by the Syrian Army and the GC which prevents the entry of medical and relief aid to the camp's residents.

It is mentioned that almost 18,000 person were besieged inside the camp; hundreds of them fled to the neighboring towns following ISIS breaking into the camp on 1st of April. The remaining residents suffer of dire conditions due to the siege imposed by the Syrian army and GC groups for r671 days respectively, power cut for more than 741 days, and water cut for 231 consecutive days, in addition to the increased number of siege victims which reached 176 victims.

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