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Residents of Yarmouk Camp Appeal for Urgent Humanitarian Assistance

Published : 10-05-2020

Residents of Yarmouk Camp Appeal for Urgent Humanitarian Assistance

Education chief in Yarmouk Camp, Walid AlKurdi, and
Palestinian activists have launched calls for assisting vulnerable families taking
shelter in the area.

In a Facebook statement, AlKurdi said families displaced from Yarmouk to
surrounding areas and those who remained in the camp live below the poverty

He called on the concerned authorities and human rights organizations to take
urgent humanitarian action in response to the squalid conditions endured by
Yarmouk residents.

Over recent weeks, Palestinian refugees sheltered across the Syrian territories
have kept urging UNRWA to assist them in their fight against the novel
coronavirus COVID-19.

Activists have lashed out at UNRWA and the General Authority for Palestinian
Arab Refugees (GAPAR) over their unresponsiveness regarding the cries for
help launched by the Palestinian refugee community in Syria due to coronavirus

The Syrian government forces regained control over Yarmouk Camp and
southern Damascus towns following a 33-day military operation launched in
April 2018. Dozens of civilians were killed and dozens more injured in the
offensive. Over 60% of buildings have gone either totally or partially destroyed
in the warfare.

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Education chief in Yarmouk Camp, Walid AlKurdi, and
Palestinian activists have launched calls for assisting vulnerable families taking
shelter in the area.

In a Facebook statement, AlKurdi said families displaced from Yarmouk to
surrounding areas and those who remained in the camp live below the poverty

He called on the concerned authorities and human rights organizations to take
urgent humanitarian action in response to the squalid conditions endured by
Yarmouk residents.

Over recent weeks, Palestinian refugees sheltered across the Syrian territories
have kept urging UNRWA to assist them in their fight against the novel
coronavirus COVID-19.

Activists have lashed out at UNRWA and the General Authority for Palestinian
Arab Refugees (GAPAR) over their unresponsiveness regarding the cries for
help launched by the Palestinian refugee community in Syria due to coronavirus

The Syrian government forces regained control over Yarmouk Camp and
southern Damascus towns following a 33-day military operation launched in
April 2018. Dozens of civilians were killed and dozens more injured in the
offensive. Over 60% of buildings have gone either totally or partially destroyed
in the warfare.

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