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PLO Sends New Delegation to Syria next Monday

Published : 01-05-2015

PLO Sends New Delegation to Syria next Monday

Mr. Zakareyya Al Agha, the Head of refugees affairs directorate at the PLO, announced that he will head a PLO delegation to visit Damascus in order to assess situation of the Palestinian Syrian refugees in Syria, and to find solutions to neutralize Yarmouk camp from the ongoing war in Syria.

Mr. Al Agha clarified in a press conference that the Syrian government invited the PLO to send a delegation next Monday on order to discuss all issues of the Palestinian refugees in Syria, specially the Yarmouk camp. It is mentioned that the Syrian Government apologized before days to receive the PLO delegation under the pretext of the Palestinian leadership confusion towards the Yarmouk camp.

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Mr. Zakareyya Al Agha, the Head of refugees affairs directorate at the PLO, announced that he will head a PLO delegation to visit Damascus in order to assess situation of the Palestinian Syrian refugees in Syria, and to find solutions to neutralize Yarmouk camp from the ongoing war in Syria.

Mr. Al Agha clarified in a press conference that the Syrian government invited the PLO to send a delegation next Monday on order to discuss all issues of the Palestinian refugees in Syria, specially the Yarmouk camp. It is mentioned that the Syrian Government apologized before days to receive the PLO delegation under the pretext of the Palestinian leadership confusion towards the Yarmouk camp.

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