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Sporadic Shelling Targets Yarmouk Camp Amid Continuous Deteriorated Humanitarian Condition

Published : 01-05-2015

Sporadic Shelling Targets Yarmouk Camp Amid Continuous Deteriorated Humanitarian Condition

Random shelling targeted separate areas of the Yarmouk camp yesterday amid the continuation of strict siege which is imposed by the Syrian Regime and the PFGC since more than 673 days. The siege resulted in a miserable humanitarian situation that was deteriorated after ISIS incursion to the camp at the beginning of April 2015, where the water cut continues for 233 days in light of severe health crises in the camp. However, all those crises didn’t prevent the camp’s students from going on their education process where dozens of students have performed their exams in the alternative schools.

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Random shelling targeted separate areas of the Yarmouk camp yesterday amid the continuation of strict siege which is imposed by the Syrian Regime and the PFGC since more than 673 days. The siege resulted in a miserable humanitarian situation that was deteriorated after ISIS incursion to the camp at the beginning of April 2015, where the water cut continues for 233 days in light of severe health crises in the camp. However, all those crises didn’t prevent the camp’s students from going on their education process where dozens of students have performed their exams in the alternative schools.

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