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Russian Officers Jotting Down Names of Palestinian Prisoners in Syria

Published : 07-06-2020

Russian Officers Jotting Down Names of Palestinian Prisoners in Syria

Palestinian refugees taking shelter south of Syria have started registering the names and personal data of their relatives who have been held in Syrian government jails at Russian offices in Syria.

The prisoners’ names and information have been noted down by Russian forces, affiliated with Syria’s incumbent regime.

An AGPS reporter said the required information includes an ID number and/or a personal photo of the detainee. Families should show up at the White Rose hotel and hand over the required documents to the Russian military office.


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Palestinian refugees taking shelter south of Syria have started registering the names and personal data of their relatives who have been held in Syrian government jails at Russian offices in Syria.

The prisoners’ names and information have been noted down by Russian forces, affiliated with Syria’s incumbent regime.

An AGPS reporter said the required information includes an ID number and/or a personal photo of the detainee. Families should show up at the White Rose hotel and hand over the required documents to the Russian military office.


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