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Tens of Yarmouk Women Demonstrate Condemning Shelling and Siege

Published : 03-05-2015

Tens of Yarmouk Women Demonstrate Condemning Shelling and Siege

Tens of Yarmouk women demonstrated yesterday condemning the explosive barrels shelling that targeted civilians' houses the day before yesterday, which killed a civilian and resulted in number of injuries in addition to the mass destruction of houses and properties.

Women assured their stay in Yarmouk despite the dire humanitarian conditions, while the price of bread pack has reached more than 10$.

As well as, they demanded to end the Yarmouk siege and to provide water and power, calling on Mr. Mahmoud Abbas and the PLO delegation to enter the camp and check the besieged people condition and to take serious action in order to put an end to the camp's suffering.

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Tens of Yarmouk women demonstrated yesterday condemning the explosive barrels shelling that targeted civilians' houses the day before yesterday, which killed a civilian and resulted in number of injuries in addition to the mass destruction of houses and properties.

Women assured their stay in Yarmouk despite the dire humanitarian conditions, while the price of bread pack has reached more than 10$.

As well as, they demanded to end the Yarmouk siege and to provide water and power, calling on Mr. Mahmoud Abbas and the PLO delegation to enter the camp and check the besieged people condition and to take serious action in order to put an end to the camp's suffering.

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