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Another Palestinian Refugee Identified in Leaked Photos of Torture Victims in Syria

Published : 01-07-2020

Another Palestinian Refugee Identified in Leaked Photos of Torture Victims in Syria

Palestinian mother Fatma Aboud has mourned the death of her son Abdullah Mohamed Kheir AlSaad whom she identified in a series of photos leaked by the so-called Caesar breakaway

The victim, a former Arabic-language student at the Faculty of Arts and a resident of Yarmouk Camp, died under torture behind Syria’s prison bars. He was arrested from Damascus University in 2012.

Horrific photos showing thousands of people who were tortured to death in Syrian government penitentiaries were leaked by a military police photographer, codenamed Caesar.

AGPS documented the secret incarceration of 1,797 Palestinian refugees in Syrian government prisons, including 110 women and girls. 

A report released by AGPS on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture documented the death of over 620 Palestinian refugees under torture in Syrian government penitentiaries, among whom minors and elderly detainees.

AGPS believes the number is far higher due to the gag orders enforced by the Syrian regime on the detainees’ fates and names, along with the reluctance of the casualty’s families to reveal the names of their deceased or missing relatives for fear of retaliation. 

Torture is a crime under international law. According to all relevant instruments, it is absolutely prohibited and cannot be justified under any circumstances. This prohibition forms part of customary international law, which means that it is binding on every member of the international community, regardless of whether a State has ratified international treaties in which torture is expressly prohibited. The systematic or widespread practice of torture constitutes a crime against humanity.

On 12 December 1997, by resolution 52/149, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 26 June the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, with a view to the total eradication of torture and the effective functioning of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

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Palestinian mother Fatma Aboud has mourned the death of her son Abdullah Mohamed Kheir AlSaad whom she identified in a series of photos leaked by the so-called Caesar breakaway

The victim, a former Arabic-language student at the Faculty of Arts and a resident of Yarmouk Camp, died under torture behind Syria’s prison bars. He was arrested from Damascus University in 2012.

Horrific photos showing thousands of people who were tortured to death in Syrian government penitentiaries were leaked by a military police photographer, codenamed Caesar.

AGPS documented the secret incarceration of 1,797 Palestinian refugees in Syrian government prisons, including 110 women and girls. 

A report released by AGPS on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture documented the death of over 620 Palestinian refugees under torture in Syrian government penitentiaries, among whom minors and elderly detainees.

AGPS believes the number is far higher due to the gag orders enforced by the Syrian regime on the detainees’ fates and names, along with the reluctance of the casualty’s families to reveal the names of their deceased or missing relatives for fear of retaliation. 

Torture is a crime under international law. According to all relevant instruments, it is absolutely prohibited and cannot be justified under any circumstances. This prohibition forms part of customary international law, which means that it is binding on every member of the international community, regardless of whether a State has ratified international treaties in which torture is expressly prohibited. The systematic or widespread practice of torture constitutes a crime against humanity.

On 12 December 1997, by resolution 52/149, the UN General Assembly proclaimed 26 June the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, with a view to the total eradication of torture and the effective functioning of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

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