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Palestinian Teacher Succumbs to Coronavirus in Damascus

Published : 19-07-2020

Palestinian Teacher Succumbs to Coronavirus in Damascus

Physics professor Sa’id Salah Hadid has died of coronavirus after he was denied admission into Turkish hospitals.

A relative of Sa’id said the latter went to a Turkish hospital after coronavirus symptoms figured on his body. Medics refused to let him in, saying his health condition was stable. He was pronounced dead shortly after he quarantine himself at home.

Sa’id, a resident of Yarmouk Camp for Palestinian refugees, was a prominent physics teacher in Damascus.


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Physics professor Sa’id Salah Hadid has died of coronavirus after he was denied admission into Turkish hospitals.

A relative of Sa’id said the latter went to a Turkish hospital after coronavirus symptoms figured on his body. Medics refused to let him in, saying his health condition was stable. He was pronounced dead shortly after he quarantine himself at home.

Sa’id, a resident of Yarmouk Camp for Palestinian refugees, was a prominent physics teacher in Damascus.


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