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PLO Delegation Arrives Damascus to Discuss ways of Neutralizing Yarmouk

Published : 05-05-2015

PLO Delegation Arrives Damascus to Discuss ways of Neutralizing Yarmouk

Official spokesman of UNRWA in Jerusalem, Sami Mshaasha, said that almost 3500 Palestinian child are besieged in Yarmouk camp; they are facing death each day due to the ongoing shelling and siege and the lack of nutrition and medication. He indicated that UNRWA called on the Syrian regime in order to stop randomly targeting the camp with explosive barrels which cause damage to civilians and serious destruction.

Mortar shelling targeted different areas of Yarmouk camp and led to some injuries among civilians, coincided with voices of appeals by loudspeakers from Palestine Mosque calling people to go to Palestine Hospital to donate blood for the injured. It is mentioned that Palestine Hospital is the only hospital that works in Yarmouk and provides medical services despite the many obstacles and constraints faced by the medical crew.

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Official spokesman of UNRWA in Jerusalem, Sami Mshaasha, said that almost 3500 Palestinian child are besieged in Yarmouk camp; they are facing death each day due to the ongoing shelling and siege and the lack of nutrition and medication. He indicated that UNRWA called on the Syrian regime in order to stop randomly targeting the camp with explosive barrels which cause damage to civilians and serious destruction.

Mortar shelling targeted different areas of Yarmouk camp and led to some injuries among civilians, coincided with voices of appeals by loudspeakers from Palestine Mosque calling people to go to Palestine Hospital to donate blood for the injured. It is mentioned that Palestine Hospital is the only hospital that works in Yarmouk and provides medical services despite the many obstacles and constraints faced by the medical crew.

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