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Palestinian Ambassador: Displaced Families Will Return to Yarmouk Camp

Published : 02-08-2020

Palestinian Ambassador: Displaced Families Will Return to Yarmouk Camp

Director of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s (PLO) political department in Damascus, Anwar Abdul Hadi, said in a video addressing the displaced residents of Yarmouk Camp that the camp will be reconstructed and families will be allowed to retrieve their houses and property.

The statement was released during a visit to AlShuhadaaa Cemetery in Yarmouk Camp on the first day of Eid AlAdhha.

Palestinian families continue to call on the concerned authorities to allow them a safe return to their homes in Yarmouk Camp, in Damascus, and to press ahead with reconstruction projects.

On February 4, 2019, a petition was handed over by the residents to Damascus governor Adel Anwar AlAlabi, urging local authorities to smooth the return of displaced families to their homes.

The 200-page petition, signed by 3,000 residents of Yarmouk Camp, called on the Syrian authorities to work on facilitating their immediate return to their homes and to rehabilitate destroyed infrastructure and facilities.

The residents expressed their readiness to carry out voluntary work and to actively take part in reconstruction works.

Last year, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) published the results of an assessment of the damage to Syrian cities caused by seven years of relentless bombardment by the incumbent regime and its allies since 2011.

The analysis found out that as many as 5,489 buildings were destroyed in Yarmouk Camp for Palestinian refugees. The damage atlas used satellite-detected damage analysis to identify buildings that are either destroyed, or severely or moderately damaged.

Most of Palestinian families taking shelter south of Damascus fled Yarmouk as a result of the tough blockade imposed by the government troops and also after ISIS grabbed hold of the camp on April 1, 2015.

Scores of other stranded families fled the camp following the 33-day military operation launched by the government forces on April 19, 2018. The Syrian government regained control over the camp and southern Damascus towns following the military operation. Dozens of civilians were killed and dozens more injured. Over 80% of buildings have gone either totally or partially destroyed.

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Director of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s (PLO) political department in Damascus, Anwar Abdul Hadi, said in a video addressing the displaced residents of Yarmouk Camp that the camp will be reconstructed and families will be allowed to retrieve their houses and property.

The statement was released during a visit to AlShuhadaaa Cemetery in Yarmouk Camp on the first day of Eid AlAdhha.

Palestinian families continue to call on the concerned authorities to allow them a safe return to their homes in Yarmouk Camp, in Damascus, and to press ahead with reconstruction projects.

On February 4, 2019, a petition was handed over by the residents to Damascus governor Adel Anwar AlAlabi, urging local authorities to smooth the return of displaced families to their homes.

The 200-page petition, signed by 3,000 residents of Yarmouk Camp, called on the Syrian authorities to work on facilitating their immediate return to their homes and to rehabilitate destroyed infrastructure and facilities.

The residents expressed their readiness to carry out voluntary work and to actively take part in reconstruction works.

Last year, the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) published the results of an assessment of the damage to Syrian cities caused by seven years of relentless bombardment by the incumbent regime and its allies since 2011.

The analysis found out that as many as 5,489 buildings were destroyed in Yarmouk Camp for Palestinian refugees. The damage atlas used satellite-detected damage analysis to identify buildings that are either destroyed, or severely or moderately damaged.

Most of Palestinian families taking shelter south of Damascus fled Yarmouk as a result of the tough blockade imposed by the government troops and also after ISIS grabbed hold of the camp on April 1, 2015.

Scores of other stranded families fled the camp following the 33-day military operation launched by the government forces on April 19, 2018. The Syrian government regained control over the camp and southern Damascus towns following the military operation. Dozens of civilians were killed and dozens more injured. Over 80% of buildings have gone either totally or partially destroyed.

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