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Palestinian Syrian Refugees Stuck in Morocco Launch a Distress Call

Published : 07-05-2015

Palestinian Syrian Refugees Stuck in Morocco Launch a Distress Call

50 Palestinian Syrianre fugees are stuck in one of the border areas near the mandate of Melilla in northern Morocco since last Thursday. They launched a distress call while trying illegal immigration to Spain to escape from the hell of the war in Syria, to all international bodies and human rights organizations to intervene in order to end the tragedy, and to communicate with the Moroccan government to allow them to leave the territory to European countries.

A number of human rights activists had been transferred an audio tape across social networking for a stuck lady in the area off "Spain Gate" in Morocco. A Palestinian displaced from the Yarmouk refugee camp, describing the extent of the suffering she experienced with Palestinian refugees as they travel; she described "Road Trip "as a" way of death". she clarified that the trip was going from an area called "Mughaneia"in Morocco, and the topography of the place was very rugged, which is mountains and valleys used by immigrants walk for several hours, all the way to the state of Melilla maritime border.

About the treatment of the smugglers to them and how to take them from one place to another, said the Palestinian refugee: "The smugglers transferred them by cars at specific points, and from one place to another; from one city to another. We walked on foot over roads, mountains, and valleys over thorns, plants, and stones. She pointed out that smugglers prevented them from talking, using phones, and even cigarette smoking, for fear that border guards reveals our moves and arrest us, confirming that  they survived the border guards several times.

She added that the smugglers told all refugees after their arrival in the coastal area of Melilla that "Spain crossing" that the border opens on Monday, and they can wait and rent a room in a hotel in the region, pending for opening the crossing. She resumed, " we went on Monday to the border crossing to cross to the other side, However, we were surprised by the presence of the police directly to beat us with sticks all without exception (children, pregnant women, elders), and without taking into account a minimum of humanitarian limits.

The Palestinian female refugee stressed during the interview that they are today at the mercy of the border guards and smugglers, and when trying to cross to the other side are being insulted, beaten and humiliated, describing the border crossing as worse than Rafah crossing, and the treatment is worse than the of the "Israel" occupation treatment for the Palestinians at checkpoints and border crossings.

Finally, the lady appealed all concerned, first and foremost the Palestinian Authority embassy in Rabat and human rights organizations to immediately intervene to end their tragedy that has been lasted for a week, by providing the price of daily food for them to say the least, and to open the way towards a decent life.

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50 Palestinian Syrianre fugees are stuck in one of the border areas near the mandate of Melilla in northern Morocco since last Thursday. They launched a distress call while trying illegal immigration to Spain to escape from the hell of the war in Syria, to all international bodies and human rights organizations to intervene in order to end the tragedy, and to communicate with the Moroccan government to allow them to leave the territory to European countries.

A number of human rights activists had been transferred an audio tape across social networking for a stuck lady in the area off "Spain Gate" in Morocco. A Palestinian displaced from the Yarmouk refugee camp, describing the extent of the suffering she experienced with Palestinian refugees as they travel; she described "Road Trip "as a" way of death". she clarified that the trip was going from an area called "Mughaneia"in Morocco, and the topography of the place was very rugged, which is mountains and valleys used by immigrants walk for several hours, all the way to the state of Melilla maritime border.

About the treatment of the smugglers to them and how to take them from one place to another, said the Palestinian refugee: "The smugglers transferred them by cars at specific points, and from one place to another; from one city to another. We walked on foot over roads, mountains, and valleys over thorns, plants, and stones. She pointed out that smugglers prevented them from talking, using phones, and even cigarette smoking, for fear that border guards reveals our moves and arrest us, confirming that  they survived the border guards several times.

She added that the smugglers told all refugees after their arrival in the coastal area of Melilla that "Spain crossing" that the border opens on Monday, and they can wait and rent a room in a hotel in the region, pending for opening the crossing. She resumed, " we went on Monday to the border crossing to cross to the other side, However, we were surprised by the presence of the police directly to beat us with sticks all without exception (children, pregnant women, elders), and without taking into account a minimum of humanitarian limits.

The Palestinian female refugee stressed during the interview that they are today at the mercy of the border guards and smugglers, and when trying to cross to the other side are being insulted, beaten and humiliated, describing the border crossing as worse than Rafah crossing, and the treatment is worse than the of the "Israel" occupation treatment for the Palestinians at checkpoints and border crossings.

Finally, the lady appealed all concerned, first and foremost the Palestinian Authority embassy in Rabat and human rights organizations to immediately intervene to end their tragedy that has been lasted for a week, by providing the price of daily food for them to say the least, and to open the way towards a decent life.

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