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Residents of Yarmouk camp Demand to Return Back to the West Bank and Gaza

Published : 07-05-2015

Residents of Yarmouk camp Demand to Return Back to the West Bank and Gaza

Residents carried out a sit-in demanding the Palestinian leadership to take them out and bring them back to their homeland Palestine, where protesters stressed that they do not want to stay in Syria or travel to European countries, but they want to return to the West Bank and Gaza. Protestors held banners "We Want a Return to Palestine" "This is our last goal, history will have no mercy".

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Residents carried out a sit-in demanding the Palestinian leadership to take them out and bring them back to their homeland Palestine, where protesters stressed that they do not want to stay in Syria or travel to European countries, but they want to return to the West Bank and Gaza. Protestors held banners "We Want a Return to Palestine" "This is our last goal, history will have no mercy".

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