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Shelling at Muzareib Town and Yarmouk Camp

Published : 07-05-2015

Shelling at Muzareib Town and Yarmouk Camp

Syrian warplanes targeted Al Muzareib town in Deraa province, south of Syria, which is inhabited with about 8,500 Palestinian refugees. The explosive barrels resulted in a state of fear and panic among the residents who live a state of tension and instability due to the continued targeting with explosives barrels and car bombs that killed many of them.

The Palestinian refugees and more than 139 refugee families from Deraa camp in Muzeireeb town are suffering of difficult living situations. They also complain about the lack of bread, according to testimony of one of the residents, that searching for a loaf of bread has become an obsession haunts everyone, "head of the family became obsessed with thinking in how to secure a loaf of bread for his family".

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Syrian warplanes targeted Al Muzareib town in Deraa province, south of Syria, which is inhabited with about 8,500 Palestinian refugees. The explosive barrels resulted in a state of fear and panic among the residents who live a state of tension and instability due to the continued targeting with explosives barrels and car bombs that killed many of them.

The Palestinian refugees and more than 139 refugee families from Deraa camp in Muzeireeb town are suffering of difficult living situations. They also complain about the lack of bread, according to testimony of one of the residents, that searching for a loaf of bread has become an obsession haunts everyone, "head of the family became obsessed with thinking in how to secure a loaf of bread for his family".

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