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PLO Delegation in Damascus Discusses the Yarmouk Crisis

Published : 08-05-2015

PLO Delegation in Damascus Discusses the Yarmouk Crisis

The PLO delegation in Damascus discusses with a number of Syrian officials and Palestinian factions about the Yarmouk refugee camp, humanitarian assistance, and the file of Palestinian detainees.

During the meeting, they discussed ways to address the crisis of Yarmouk camp after ISIS controlled large parts of the camp; the two officials also discussed opening safe corridors to facilitate the introduction of aid to the camp, and discussed the Palestinian detainees in Syria file and regularize their status.

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The PLO delegation in Damascus discusses with a number of Syrian officials and Palestinian factions about the Yarmouk refugee camp, humanitarian assistance, and the file of Palestinian detainees.

During the meeting, they discussed ways to address the crisis of Yarmouk camp after ISIS controlled large parts of the camp; the two officials also discussed opening safe corridors to facilitate the introduction of aid to the camp, and discussed the Palestinian detainees in Syria file and regularize their status.

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