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Injuries among Civilians following Shelling at Yarmouk

Published : 11-05-2015

Injuries among Civilians following Shelling at Yarmouk

Civilians were wounded yesterday by shelling at the Yarmouk camp south of the Syrian capital, Damascus. The AGPS correspondent confirmed number of mortar shells and clashes targeted at sporadic areas of Yarmouk which led to casualties among civilians, accompanied by loudspeakers voices by the Palestine Mosque calling people to go to Palestine Hospital to donate blood for the injured. It was mentions that ISIS stormed the Yarmouk camp beginning of April, and still controls 70% of its area.

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Civilians were wounded yesterday by shelling at the Yarmouk camp south of the Syrian capital, Damascus. The AGPS correspondent confirmed number of mortar shells and clashes targeted at sporadic areas of Yarmouk which led to casualties among civilians, accompanied by loudspeakers voices by the Palestine Mosque calling people to go to Palestine Hospital to donate blood for the injured. It was mentions that ISIS stormed the Yarmouk camp beginning of April, and still controls 70% of its area.

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