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UNRWA Honors Graduates of Damascus Training Centre

Published : 19-11-2020

UNRWA Honors Graduates of Damascus Training Centre

22 students who graduated from the Damascus Training Centre (DTC) were honored by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). Eight graduates have already been integrated into the labor market.

232 students will have been graduated from the centre by the end of 2020.

UNRWA has been able to provide vocational training opportunities for hundreds of Palestine refugees in Syria. Vocational training has proven to be a vital lifeline in a region deeply affected by the conflict in Syria, which in 2020 has entered its ninth year.

UNRWA also said that its vocational centers play an active role in ensuring that their graduates find employment once they graduate. One of the most successful ways to ensure this is to offer on-the job training.

Vocational training courses include mechatronics, air-conditioning (AC) maintenance, sewing, computer maintenance, plumbing, and car electricity, along with medical, information, and engineering specialties.


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22 students who graduated from the Damascus Training Centre (DTC) were honored by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). Eight graduates have already been integrated into the labor market.

232 students will have been graduated from the centre by the end of 2020.

UNRWA has been able to provide vocational training opportunities for hundreds of Palestine refugees in Syria. Vocational training has proven to be a vital lifeline in a region deeply affected by the conflict in Syria, which in 2020 has entered its ninth year.

UNRWA also said that its vocational centers play an active role in ensuring that their graduates find employment once they graduate. One of the most successful ways to ensure this is to offer on-the job training.

Vocational training courses include mechatronics, air-conditioning (AC) maintenance, sewing, computer maintenance, plumbing, and car electricity, along with medical, information, and engineering specialties.


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