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Setting the Appointment of the Students to get out of Yarmouk for their Exams

Published : 14-05-2015

Setting the Appointment of the Students to get out of Yarmouk for their Exams

A state of tension and the absence of security and safety spread among the people of Yarmouk as a result of ISIS control over the camp since the beginning of April. ISIS storming into the camp has resulted in the targeting of the camp with explosive barrels, which increased the scope of destruction in it. As well as, relief aid also stopped for the remaining of the people in the camp once and for all, which exacerbated their living and humanity suffering.

In terms of the educational aspect, Thursday was set as a date for the primary school students from Yarmouk camp to exit through Beit Sahem area, in order to submit their final exams. Meanwhile, high school and university students will wait until the primary school students finish their exams.

It is noteworthy that, despite the continuing siege of the camp and cut off water and electricity, educational process did not stop and was completed by voluntary efforts.

Some wedding halls and kindergartens turned into educational centers in addition to the main mosques in the camp; such as Palestine mosque and Abdel Kader Husseini Mosque. 

The number of those educational centers is 6, and is distributed between primary and secondary schools, while the number of students in one of them has reached 1200 students.

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A state of tension and the absence of security and safety spread among the people of Yarmouk as a result of ISIS control over the camp since the beginning of April. ISIS storming into the camp has resulted in the targeting of the camp with explosive barrels, which increased the scope of destruction in it. As well as, relief aid also stopped for the remaining of the people in the camp once and for all, which exacerbated their living and humanity suffering.

In terms of the educational aspect, Thursday was set as a date for the primary school students from Yarmouk camp to exit through Beit Sahem area, in order to submit their final exams. Meanwhile, high school and university students will wait until the primary school students finish their exams.

It is noteworthy that, despite the continuing siege of the camp and cut off water and electricity, educational process did not stop and was completed by voluntary efforts.

Some wedding halls and kindergartens turned into educational centers in addition to the main mosques in the camp; such as Palestine mosque and Abdel Kader Husseini Mosque. 

The number of those educational centers is 6, and is distributed between primary and secondary schools, while the number of students in one of them has reached 1200 students.

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