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Palestinian refugee Mohamed Abu Husain Forcibly Disappeared in Syrian Prisons for 7th Year

Published : 07-01-2021

Palestinian refugee Mohamed Abu Husain Forcibly Disappeared in Syrian Prisons for 7th Year

Palestinian refugee Mohamed Aymen Abu Husain, born in 1986, has been secretly held in Syrian regime prisons for the seventh consecutive year.

Mohamed, a resident of Yarmouk Camp, was arrested by Syrian security forces in Jaramana, in Damascus, on March 27, 2013. His condition and whereabouts could not be identified.


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Palestinian refugee Mohamed Aymen Abu Husain, born in 1986, has been secretly held in Syrian regime prisons for the seventh consecutive year.

Mohamed, a resident of Yarmouk Camp, was arrested by Syrian security forces in Jaramana, in Damascus, on March 27, 2013. His condition and whereabouts could not be identified.


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