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Shelling and Sporadic Clashes in Yarmouk Camp

Published : 18-05-2015

Shelling and Sporadic Clashes in Yarmouk Camp

Number of shells targeted different parts of Yarmouk yesterday, coincided with the outbreak of sporadic confrontations on several axes between the Palestinian armed groups and ISIS alongside Al-Nusra Front.

The siege imposed by the regular army and PFGC groups is still continue for more than 689 days, amid continued worsening of humanitarian situation, which further aggravated since the storming of ISIS into Yarmouk early April.

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Number of shells targeted different parts of Yarmouk yesterday, coincided with the outbreak of sporadic confrontations on several axes between the Palestinian armed groups and ISIS alongside Al-Nusra Front.

The siege imposed by the regular army and PFGC groups is still continue for more than 689 days, amid continued worsening of humanitarian situation, which further aggravated since the storming of ISIS into Yarmouk early April.

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