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Palestinian Refugee Families Push For Debris Clearance South of Damascus

Published : 01-03-2021

Palestinian Refugee Families Push For Debris Clearance South of Damascus

Residents of AlZein neighborhood, south of Damascus, called on the Syrian authorities to remove debris and sand barriers from local thoroughfares in order to ease civilians’ access out of and into the area.

The residents urged the Yalda municipality to dispatch debris-clearance vehicles to the area.

Dozens of Palestinian families used to take refuge in AlZein neighborhood, near Yarmouk Camp, before they fled the area after opposition outfits and ISIS militias grabbed it. Scores of other families were forcibly displaced from the neighborhood following deadly attacks by the Syrian regime.


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Residents of AlZein neighborhood, south of Damascus, called on the Syrian authorities to remove debris and sand barriers from local thoroughfares in order to ease civilians’ access out of and into the area.

The residents urged the Yalda municipality to dispatch debris-clearance vehicles to the area.

Dozens of Palestinian families used to take refuge in AlZein neighborhood, near Yarmouk Camp, before they fled the area after opposition outfits and ISIS militias grabbed it. Scores of other families were forcibly displaced from the neighborhood following deadly attacks by the Syrian regime.


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