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Bombing and Clashes in the Yarmouk Camp

Published : 20-05-2015

Bombing and Clashes in the Yarmouk Camp

At Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugees in the southern of Damascus, the camp was exposed to bombing on dawn with a number of mortar shells on separate areas of the camp, which resulted in material damages, coincided with violent clashes between the Syrian army with its loyal Palestinian factions and the ISIS on the Yarmouk street crossing and Al Thalathin street and in the vicinity of the Yarmouk Secondary School for Girls. In terms of living, the Yarmouk residents suffer of humanitarian tragic situations because of the unavailability of food, medicine and medical materials in addition to the water cut on all camp’s houses and streets since about 251 days, and power cut for more than 761 days respectively.

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At Yarmouk camp for Palestinian refugees in the southern of Damascus, the camp was exposed to bombing on dawn with a number of mortar shells on separate areas of the camp, which resulted in material damages, coincided with violent clashes between the Syrian army with its loyal Palestinian factions and the ISIS on the Yarmouk street crossing and Al Thalathin street and in the vicinity of the Yarmouk Secondary School for Girls. In terms of living, the Yarmouk residents suffer of humanitarian tragic situations because of the unavailability of food, medicine and medical materials in addition to the water cut on all camp’s houses and streets since about 251 days, and power cut for more than 761 days respectively.

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