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A Displaced Refugee from Yarmouk to Babila Dies due to Lack of Medical Care

Published : 22-05-2015

A Displaced Refugee from Yarmouk to Babila Dies due to Lack of Medical Care

The Palestinian refugee Mowafaaq Abdullah Marzouq, 55 years, died due to the lack of medical care after being infected with hepatitis C. he is from Yarmouk, and was displaced to the adjacent town of Babila.

It was mentioned that residents of Yarmouk were forced to displace on 1st of April following ISIS storming into the Camp.

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The Palestinian refugee Mowafaaq Abdullah Marzouq, 55 years, died due to the lack of medical care after being infected with hepatitis C. he is from Yarmouk, and was displaced to the adjacent town of Babila.

It was mentioned that residents of Yarmouk were forced to displace on 1st of April following ISIS storming into the Camp.

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