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Sporadic Clashes at Yarmouk Camp in Damascus Suburb

Published : 23-05-2015

Sporadic Clashes at Yarmouk Camp in Damascus Suburb

For the third consecutive days, the Yarmouk camp in the south of Damascus the Syrian capital witnesses violent clashes between ISIS alongside Nusra front and Regular Army alongside the Palestinian factions loyal to the Army, where the clashes focused around Al Thalathini street crossing , the vicinity of the court and the Yarmouk Secondary School.

The residents of Yarmouk camp live in difficult humanitarian situation due to the shortage of essentials of live due to the stop of food aid since the took over of ISIS on the camp in the beginning of April 2015. The residents also complain of the continuation of water and power cut on their houses and street since many months.

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For the third consecutive days, the Yarmouk camp in the south of Damascus the Syrian capital witnesses violent clashes between ISIS alongside Nusra front and Regular Army alongside the Palestinian factions loyal to the Army, where the clashes focused around Al Thalathini street crossing , the vicinity of the court and the Yarmouk Secondary School.

The residents of Yarmouk camp live in difficult humanitarian situation due to the shortage of essentials of live due to the stop of food aid since the took over of ISIS on the camp in the beginning of April 2015. The residents also complain of the continuation of water and power cut on their houses and street since many months.

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