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Shelling and Sporadic Cashes in the Yarmouk Refugee Camp

Published : 25-05-2015

Shelling and Sporadic Cashes in the Yarmouk Refugee Camp

Bombing targeted separate areas in the Yarmouk camp in Damascus yesterday, coincided with clashes on several points in the camp such as Al Thalatheen Street crossing. The Yarmouk also witnesses a tension state and absence of relief work due to the withdrawal of all relief activists from the camp because of the ISIS incursion to the camp at the beginning of April 2015 fearing for their lives.

It is worthy to mention that the Regular Army and PFGC are imposing a strict siege on the Yarmouk camp since more than 696 days.

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Bombing targeted separate areas in the Yarmouk camp in Damascus yesterday, coincided with clashes on several points in the camp such as Al Thalatheen Street crossing. The Yarmouk also witnesses a tension state and absence of relief work due to the withdrawal of all relief activists from the camp because of the ISIS incursion to the camp at the beginning of April 2015 fearing for their lives.

It is worthy to mention that the Regular Army and PFGC are imposing a strict siege on the Yarmouk camp since more than 696 days.

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