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A Palestinian refugee died in Cyprus in ambiguous circumstances.

Published : 27-12-2014

A Palestinian refugee died in Cyprus in ambiguous circumstances.

the Cyprus police have found the body of a Palestinian Syrian refugee "Ahmed Abdullah," a resident of Al Baramka neighborhood in Damascus, and one of the Syrian and Palestinian refugees who are stuck in Greek Cyprus, The body was lying on a road after several days of his disappearance in mysterious circumstances.

In the meantime, about 340 Palestinian refugees, mostly from the Yarmouk refugee camp and detained by the Cypriot authorities in a suburb of the Cypriot capital, "Nicosia", after they withdrew their boat from the Cypriot territorial waters on26th of September 2014.The refugees are living in a miserable humanitarian and psychological situations, where they carried out an open sit-in on 30th of October 2014 in the Cypriot capital of Nicosia in front of the UN Organization and the(UNHCR) demanding help to overcome their plight and access to European countries and be reunited with their families.

The Palestinian Syrian refugees have sent a message on 30th of September 2014 to the Cypriot authorities demanded to allow them to leave the territory and complete their way towards the European countries, which was the point of traveling since the beginning, also appealed to the United Nations Organization, the (UNHCR) and all international organizations to help them to overcome their plight and to achieve their hopes of accessing to European countries and be reunited with their families.

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the Cyprus police have found the body of a Palestinian Syrian refugee "Ahmed Abdullah," a resident of Al Baramka neighborhood in Damascus, and one of the Syrian and Palestinian refugees who are stuck in Greek Cyprus, The body was lying on a road after several days of his disappearance in mysterious circumstances.

In the meantime, about 340 Palestinian refugees, mostly from the Yarmouk refugee camp and detained by the Cypriot authorities in a suburb of the Cypriot capital, "Nicosia", after they withdrew their boat from the Cypriot territorial waters on26th of September 2014.The refugees are living in a miserable humanitarian and psychological situations, where they carried out an open sit-in on 30th of October 2014 in the Cypriot capital of Nicosia in front of the UN Organization and the(UNHCR) demanding help to overcome their plight and access to European countries and be reunited with their families.

The Palestinian Syrian refugees have sent a message on 30th of September 2014 to the Cypriot authorities demanded to allow them to leave the territory and complete their way towards the European countries, which was the point of traveling since the beginning, also appealed to the United Nations Organization, the (UNHCR) and all international organizations to help them to overcome their plight and to achieve their hopes of accessing to European countries and be reunited with their families.

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