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Syrian Gov’t Forces Close Off Access Roads to Deraa Camp

Published : 31-05-2021

Syrian Gov’t Forces Close Off Access Roads to Deraa Camp

The Syrian security forces abruptly closed off the access road to Deraa Camp for Palestinian refugees with sand barriers.

Vehicles and civilians have been denied access out of and into the area.

The Syrian forces also closed off the main thoroughfare between Deraa city and Yarmouk Camp.

An AGPS reporter said sounds of heavy gunshooting have been detected in Deraa camp.


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The Syrian security forces abruptly closed off the access road to Deraa Camp for Palestinian refugees with sand barriers.

Vehicles and civilians have been denied access out of and into the area.

The Syrian forces also closed off the main thoroughfare between Deraa city and Yarmouk Camp.

An AGPS reporter said sounds of heavy gunshooting have been detected in Deraa camp.


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