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Protest sit-ins Continue by the Palestinians of Syria in Lebanon Demanding UNRWA to Undo its Recent Decision

Published : 27-05-2015

Protest sit-ins Continue by the Palestinians of Syria in Lebanon Demanding UNRWA to Undo its Recent Decision

Dozens of Palestinian Syrian refugees in Lebanon came out in vigils in front of headquarters of UNRWA in Lebanon where they had gathered near the UNRWA headquarters in the Lebanese capital Beirut, demanding the UNRWA to back down its last decision taken against them, which provides cancelling shelter allowance that was provided by the Agency for Palestinians of Syria in Lebanon, starting from next July.

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Dozens of Palestinian Syrian refugees in Lebanon came out in vigils in front of headquarters of UNRWA in Lebanon where they had gathered near the UNRWA headquarters in the Lebanese capital Beirut, demanding the UNRWA to back down its last decision taken against them, which provides cancelling shelter allowance that was provided by the Agency for Palestinians of Syria in Lebanon, starting from next July.

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