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UNRWA Imposed New Conditions for Distributing its Financial Aid to the Palestinians of Syria

Published : 28-05-2015

UNRWA Imposed New Conditions for Distributing its Financial Aid to the Palestinians of Syria

UNRWA announced that it will conduct a data auditing process for Palestinian refugees residing in Syria during the distribution of financial aid in the second session of 2015.

UNRWA said that the aim of this procedure is to ensure that all beneficiaries of financial assistance are in Syria, as it will update the data of beneficiary families in Syria, confirming that these procedures will be implemented on 31st of May 2015.

 UNRWA imposed conditions for the delivery of financial aid to Palestinian refugees in Syria, and said that all family members aged 18 years and above and able-bodied to come personally to the distribution centers of cash assistance to receive financial assistance.

Meanwhile, people who are unable to come personally to submit a medical report from UNRWA clinics exclusively, and noted that if all family members aged 18 years and older and did not attend to the receiving centers will not receive financial assistance.

It is noteworthy that UNRWA is trying through its actions to reduce financial aid to Palestinian Syrian refugees in the absence of thousands of Palestinian families, between arrests, displacement, wanted by the Syrian security, and those who are besieged inside their camps.

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UNRWA announced that it will conduct a data auditing process for Palestinian refugees residing in Syria during the distribution of financial aid in the second session of 2015.

UNRWA said that the aim of this procedure is to ensure that all beneficiaries of financial assistance are in Syria, as it will update the data of beneficiary families in Syria, confirming that these procedures will be implemented on 31st of May 2015.

 UNRWA imposed conditions for the delivery of financial aid to Palestinian refugees in Syria, and said that all family members aged 18 years and above and able-bodied to come personally to the distribution centers of cash assistance to receive financial assistance.

Meanwhile, people who are unable to come personally to submit a medical report from UNRWA clinics exclusively, and noted that if all family members aged 18 years and older and did not attend to the receiving centers will not receive financial assistance.

It is noteworthy that UNRWA is trying through its actions to reduce financial aid to Palestinian Syrian refugees in the absence of thousands of Palestinian families, between arrests, displacement, wanted by the Syrian security, and those who are besieged inside their camps.

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