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Resident of Deraa Camp Missing for 5th Day

Published : 20-07-2021

Resident of Deraa Camp Missing for 5th Day

Palestinian refugee Mohamed Issa Falaha, born in 1984, has gone missing since July 15 after he left Deraa Camp, south of Syria.

His family continues to appeal for information about his condition and whereabouts.

333 Palestinian refugees from Syria, including 37 women and girls, have gone missing since the outbreak of the Syrian warfare, AGPS has found out.

Most of those who have disappeared in the country are residents of Yarmouk Camp for Palestinian refugees, south of Damascus.


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Palestinian refugee Mohamed Issa Falaha, born in 1984, has gone missing since July 15 after he left Deraa Camp, south of Syria.

His family continues to appeal for information about his condition and whereabouts.

333 Palestinian refugees from Syria, including 37 women and girls, have gone missing since the outbreak of the Syrian warfare, AGPS has found out.

Most of those who have disappeared in the country are residents of Yarmouk Camp for Palestinian refugees, south of Damascus.


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