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Fears of Jaundice and Typhus Spread in Yarmouk.

Published : 05-06-2015

Fears of Jaundice and Typhus Spread in Yarmouk.

During the last weeks, remarkable increase of jaundice and typhus patients' number in the Yarmouk camp in Damascus.

According to our correspondent in the camp, the lack of nourishment and the lack of water in addition to the spread of garbage were the main reasons behind the spread of those diseases. It is referred that all relief organizations stopped their work in the camp since the invasion of ISIS in the beginning of April 2015 fearing on the lives of activists that ISIS threatened them with killing and arrest.

ISIS stole about 3000 liters of fuel that were allocated for the water pump stations which are the only source for drinking water for the residents of the camp after the Syrian Army cut it for more than 267 days that led to increase the crises of water and hygiene.

Specialized people expressed to the AGPS their worry of these diseases, especially with the approaching of summer season, and the high temperature in addition to the complete absence of medical care in the camp.

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During the last weeks, remarkable increase of jaundice and typhus patients' number in the Yarmouk camp in Damascus.

According to our correspondent in the camp, the lack of nourishment and the lack of water in addition to the spread of garbage were the main reasons behind the spread of those diseases. It is referred that all relief organizations stopped their work in the camp since the invasion of ISIS in the beginning of April 2015 fearing on the lives of activists that ISIS threatened them with killing and arrest.

ISIS stole about 3000 liters of fuel that were allocated for the water pump stations which are the only source for drinking water for the residents of the camp after the Syrian Army cut it for more than 267 days that led to increase the crises of water and hygiene.

Specialized people expressed to the AGPS their worry of these diseases, especially with the approaching of summer season, and the high temperature in addition to the complete absence of medical care in the camp.

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