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Abbas Zaki: Relationship Return with the Regime and Fatah Offices soon in Syria, and activists: Zaki does not Know the Names of Palestinian Refugee Camps in Syria

Published : 05-06-2015

Abbas Zaki: Relationship Return with the Regime and Fatah Offices soon in Syria, and activists: Zaki does not Know the Names of Palestinian Refugee Camps in Syria

Fatah central committee member Abbas Zaki said Thursday that official relations between the movement and the Syrian regime would be re-established after 32 years.

Zaki told Ma'an that a visit by a Fatah delegation to Syria was "successful," adding that Fatah offices will be opened in Syria soon after it was the only Palestinian movement not allowed to have any offices in Syria.

Zaki said that the visit was part of improving bilateral relations between the two sides. He said, "A recent delegation observed the situation there, especially the suffering of Palestinians in refugee camps."

He added that they discussed with the Syrian regime the return of those displaced to their camps that were freed by the Syrian regime, in addition to the issue of refugees who lost their IDs and the issue of people arrested for minor offenses specially the Shbeba and Jabiya camps and the prevention of ISIS to enter those camps.

Fatah central committee member Abbas Zaki in his visit

The activists commented on Maan news agency news about the camps that there are no camps in Syria like Shbeba and Jabiya and they expressed astonishment from that Mr. Abbas Zaki doesn’t know the names of the camps very well that the names of the camps became so famous to the world.  Other activists added that Mr. Zaki discovered the real goal behind the visits of the PLO delegations to Damascus and they are not to neutralize the Yarmouk camp but it is to search and look for political gains for Fatah Movement.

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Fatah central committee member Abbas Zaki said Thursday that official relations between the movement and the Syrian regime would be re-established after 32 years.

Zaki told Ma'an that a visit by a Fatah delegation to Syria was "successful," adding that Fatah offices will be opened in Syria soon after it was the only Palestinian movement not allowed to have any offices in Syria.

Zaki said that the visit was part of improving bilateral relations between the two sides. He said, "A recent delegation observed the situation there, especially the suffering of Palestinians in refugee camps."

He added that they discussed with the Syrian regime the return of those displaced to their camps that were freed by the Syrian regime, in addition to the issue of refugees who lost their IDs and the issue of people arrested for minor offenses specially the Shbeba and Jabiya camps and the prevention of ISIS to enter those camps.

Fatah central committee member Abbas Zaki in his visit

The activists commented on Maan news agency news about the camps that there are no camps in Syria like Shbeba and Jabiya and they expressed astonishment from that Mr. Abbas Zaki doesn’t know the names of the camps very well that the names of the camps became so famous to the world.  Other activists added that Mr. Zaki discovered the real goal behind the visits of the PLO delegations to Damascus and they are not to neutralize the Yarmouk camp but it is to search and look for political gains for Fatah Movement.

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