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Activists in Yarmouk: We Cannot Publish News about Yarmouk Fearing of ISIS

Published : 06-06-2015

Activists in Yarmouk: We Cannot Publish News about Yarmouk Fearing of ISIS

A number of activists in the Yarmouk camp in Damascus confirmed to the AGPS that they were subjected to death threats by members of the so-called ISIS if they cover the violation of its members in Yarmouk.

For his part, our correspondent inside the camp confirmed that the media work inside the camp became too dangerous, prompting dozens of activists to leave.

He also pointed out that the news of "ISIS" robbery of more than "3000" liters of fuel that was allocated to drinking water pumps had angered ISIS that has threatened the rest of activists who were suspected of transfer news.

Our correspondent noted that "ISIS" supports two methods in dealing with activists; intimidation and enticement by providing aid or money.

It is worth mentioning that ISIS had stormed the Yarmouk refugee camp on April after facilities provided by Al Nusra Front who was inside the camp.

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A number of activists in the Yarmouk camp in Damascus confirmed to the AGPS that they were subjected to death threats by members of the so-called ISIS if they cover the violation of its members in Yarmouk.

For his part, our correspondent inside the camp confirmed that the media work inside the camp became too dangerous, prompting dozens of activists to leave.

He also pointed out that the news of "ISIS" robbery of more than "3000" liters of fuel that was allocated to drinking water pumps had angered ISIS that has threatened the rest of activists who were suspected of transfer news.

Our correspondent noted that "ISIS" supports two methods in dealing with activists; intimidation and enticement by providing aid or money.

It is worth mentioning that ISIS had stormed the Yarmouk refugee camp on April after facilities provided by Al Nusra Front who was inside the camp.

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