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One of Three Detained Brothers Dies Due to Torture

Published : 07-06-2015

One of Three Detained Brothers Dies Due to Torture

The Palestinian refugee, Mahmoud Abdulrahim Mahmoud, died due to torture in the prisons of the Syrian regime, while his body was not recognized within the leaked pictures of torture victims. However, the Syrian security services still detained his two brothers, Hasan Abdulrahim Mahmoud, 30 years, and Osama Abdulrahim Mahmoud, 33 years; they are from Al Hajar Al Aswad neighborhood adjacent to the Yarmouk camp.

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The Palestinian refugee, Mahmoud Abdulrahim Mahmoud, died due to torture in the prisons of the Syrian regime, while his body was not recognized within the leaked pictures of torture victims. However, the Syrian security services still detained his two brothers, Hasan Abdulrahim Mahmoud, 30 years, and Osama Abdulrahim Mahmoud, 33 years; they are from Al Hajar Al Aswad neighborhood adjacent to the Yarmouk camp.

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