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Countries Adjacent to Syria still Prevent the Palestinian Syrians of Entering its Territories

Published : 07-06-2015

Countries Adjacent to Syria still Prevent the Palestinian Syrians of Entering its Territories

Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Syrian refugees complain of mobility difficulties, despite the confirmation of international laws and norms about the need to allow refugees fleeing from the conflict zones to enter its territory and to be provided with aid and help. Yet, none of the neighboring countries in Syria are applying that on the Palestinian Syrian refugees.                            

Jordanian authorities continue to prevent the entry of Palestinian Syrian refugees who hold Syrian documents, according to an earlier decision by the Jordanian authorities in that regard.

Iraq also pursuing a similar policy, while the Turkish embassy stopped issuing visas for Palestinian refugees from Syria, but in the event of possession stays in the Gulf States or Europe, which does not apply to most of the Palestinian Syrian refugees.

Lebanese authorities take strict procedures for the Palestinians of Syria to enter its territory, where the conditions imposed on them described by the refugees as impossible.

In the face of this tragic reality, thousands of Palestinian refugees were forced to stay under the threat of bombardment, siege, and arrest campaigns targeting their camps.

It is worth mentioning that the AGPS documented 2880 Palestinian victims who died ongoing during the war in Syria.

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Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Syrian refugees complain of mobility difficulties, despite the confirmation of international laws and norms about the need to allow refugees fleeing from the conflict zones to enter its territory and to be provided with aid and help. Yet, none of the neighboring countries in Syria are applying that on the Palestinian Syrian refugees.                            

Jordanian authorities continue to prevent the entry of Palestinian Syrian refugees who hold Syrian documents, according to an earlier decision by the Jordanian authorities in that regard.

Iraq also pursuing a similar policy, while the Turkish embassy stopped issuing visas for Palestinian refugees from Syria, but in the event of possession stays in the Gulf States or Europe, which does not apply to most of the Palestinian Syrian refugees.

Lebanese authorities take strict procedures for the Palestinians of Syria to enter its territory, where the conditions imposed on them described by the refugees as impossible.

In the face of this tragic reality, thousands of Palestinian refugees were forced to stay under the threat of bombardment, siege, and arrest campaigns targeting their camps.

It is worth mentioning that the AGPS documented 2880 Palestinian victims who died ongoing during the war in Syria.

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