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Shelling Targets Al Aedein Camp in Homs .

Published : 08-06-2015

Shelling Targets Al Aedein Camp in Homs .

Two missiles targeted "Jaffa" and "Bisan Hospital"Streets at Al Aedein camp in Homs, while two children were slightly injured. According to the AGPS correspondent's testimony, the Syrian opposition armed groups bombed a military barracks where Syrian regime soldiers were holed up, near Al Aedein camp, in response to the bombing of Al Waar neighborhood and Zafarana village by warplanes, which led to the fall of two missiles at Al Aedein camp in Homs, resulted in material damage where they fall.

In the meantime, residents of al Aedein camp in Homs complain of the continuing fly of warplanes at low height in the sky of the camp, causing powerful sound leads to a state of terror among children.

It is worth mentioning that warplanes are hovering continuously about two months ago, whereby the aircraft raided the neighboring areas of the camp.

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Two missiles targeted "Jaffa" and "Bisan Hospital"Streets at Al Aedein camp in Homs, while two children were slightly injured. According to the AGPS correspondent's testimony, the Syrian opposition armed groups bombed a military barracks where Syrian regime soldiers were holed up, near Al Aedein camp, in response to the bombing of Al Waar neighborhood and Zafarana village by warplanes, which led to the fall of two missiles at Al Aedein camp in Homs, resulted in material damage where they fall.

In the meantime, residents of al Aedein camp in Homs complain of the continuing fly of warplanes at low height in the sky of the camp, causing powerful sound leads to a state of terror among children.

It is worth mentioning that warplanes are hovering continuously about two months ago, whereby the aircraft raided the neighboring areas of the camp.

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