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Palestinian Refugee Missing from Syria Displacement Camp

Published : 11-02-2022

Palestinian Refugee Missing from Syria Displacement Camp

Palestinian refugee Ayman Ahmad Ahmad disappeared on Thursday after he left his house in Khan Eshieh Camp, in Rif Dimashq, to receive UNRWA aid.

Ayman works in the Equestrian Club in Sahnaya and is the father of four children.

333 Palestinian refugees from Syria, including 37 women and girls, have gone missing since the outbreak of the Syrian warfare, mostly from Yarmouk Camp for Palestinian refugees, south of Damascus.


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Palestinian refugee Ayman Ahmad Ahmad disappeared on Thursday after he left his house in Khan Eshieh Camp, in Rif Dimashq, to receive UNRWA aid.

Ayman works in the Equestrian Club in Sahnaya and is the father of four children.

333 Palestinian refugees from Syria, including 37 women and girls, have gone missing since the outbreak of the Syrian warfare, mostly from Yarmouk Camp for Palestinian refugees, south of Damascus.


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