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Clashes in the Yarmouk Camp and Bombing Targets Different Areas.

Published : 11-06-2015

Clashes in the Yarmouk Camp and Bombing Targets Different Areas.

Several mortar shells targeted the Yarmouk Camp yesterday night, where the shells were concentrated in schools Street and the vicinity of Palestine Mosque. The shells resulted in severe destruction where they fell, with no injuries among civilians.

 The shelling coincided with the outbreak of violent clashes on several axes between the Syrian army alongside the Palestinian groups and Al Nusra Front alongside Ahrar Al Sham.

 Meanwhile, the suffering of about 8,000 besieged people inside the camp continues after the work of relief agencies stopped, which was securing water to the people and conducting cleaning of the streets before withdrawing to Yalda after ISIS storming on April, while residents are worry about the spread of diseases due to the accumulation of garbage, especially with in the summer.

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Several mortar shells targeted the Yarmouk Camp yesterday night, where the shells were concentrated in schools Street and the vicinity of Palestine Mosque. The shells resulted in severe destruction where they fell, with no injuries among civilians.

 The shelling coincided with the outbreak of violent clashes on several axes between the Syrian army alongside the Palestinian groups and Al Nusra Front alongside Ahrar Al Sham.

 Meanwhile, the suffering of about 8,000 besieged people inside the camp continues after the work of relief agencies stopped, which was securing water to the people and conducting cleaning of the streets before withdrawing to Yalda after ISIS storming on April, while residents are worry about the spread of diseases due to the accumulation of garbage, especially with in the summer.

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