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Following One-Month Blackout, Power Rehabilitated in Khan Eshieh Camp

Published : 07-04-2022

Following One-Month Blackout, Power Rehabilitated in Khan Eshieh Camp

The electricity department in Khan Eshieh Camp for Palestinian refugees, in Rif Dimashq, installed a power generator in the eastern neighborhood.

Last month, residents of Khan Eshieh Camp denounced the electricity rationing imposed by local authorities, saying an eleven-hour cut/one-hour supply had been implemented in the area.

The residents also said their lives are at risk due to loose electric cables. Draped with water pipes and high voltage wires, the major fuse box that splits power from the grid in residential alleyways in the overcrowded Palestinian refugee camp put children’s life at risk.


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The electricity department in Khan Eshieh Camp for Palestinian refugees, in Rif Dimashq, installed a power generator in the eastern neighborhood.

Last month, residents of Khan Eshieh Camp denounced the electricity rationing imposed by local authorities, saying an eleven-hour cut/one-hour supply had been implemented in the area.

The residents also said their lives are at risk due to loose electric cables. Draped with water pipes and high voltage wires, the major fuse box that splits power from the grid in residential alleyways in the overcrowded Palestinian refugee camp put children’s life at risk.


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