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Dutch Media Applauds Self-Discipline of Palestinian Refugee Teacher

Published : 24-04-2022

Dutch Media Applauds Self-Discipline of Palestinian Refugee Teacher

News outlets in The Netherlands have acclaimed the strong determination and perseverance maintained by Palestinian refugee Nabil AlAyedi, who pursued his academic career as a technical assistant teacher in Amsterdam.

Nabil taught physics at Yarmouk Camp schools until 2012. He graduated from Damascus University and worked at UNRWA schools, which have been reduced to rubble in the conflict. 

Nabil fled Yarmouk Camp before he headed for The Netherlands, where he obtained a legal residence permit and joined a program for newly-arrived teachers through UAF association for refugee students.

The refugee started his professional career as a technical teaching assistant at Lumion in Amsterdam. He still struggles to get his Syrian diploma recognized by his host country. He will only be able to obtain a teacher certificate after he completes a number of pedagogy training courses at the Teacher Training College.

“The process costs a lot of money. I have to wake up early everyday to go to and back from Amsterdam”, said Nabil. 

Hundreds of displaced Palestinian refugees in/from Syria have achieved success stories, despite the traumatic upshots wrought by the daily scenes of bloodshed and destruction across the embattled Syrian territories.

This includes scores of refugee students who have obtained the highest scores at their academic institutions; hundreds of refugee sportsmen/sportswomen who snatched the first places in regional and international competitions; dozens of artists who received renowned literary awards for their products and performances; and several housewives who turned trauma into a space of creativity.

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News outlets in The Netherlands have acclaimed the strong determination and perseverance maintained by Palestinian refugee Nabil AlAyedi, who pursued his academic career as a technical assistant teacher in Amsterdam.

Nabil taught physics at Yarmouk Camp schools until 2012. He graduated from Damascus University and worked at UNRWA schools, which have been reduced to rubble in the conflict. 

Nabil fled Yarmouk Camp before he headed for The Netherlands, where he obtained a legal residence permit and joined a program for newly-arrived teachers through UAF association for refugee students.

The refugee started his professional career as a technical teaching assistant at Lumion in Amsterdam. He still struggles to get his Syrian diploma recognized by his host country. He will only be able to obtain a teacher certificate after he completes a number of pedagogy training courses at the Teacher Training College.

“The process costs a lot of money. I have to wake up early everyday to go to and back from Amsterdam”, said Nabil. 

Hundreds of displaced Palestinian refugees in/from Syria have achieved success stories, despite the traumatic upshots wrought by the daily scenes of bloodshed and destruction across the embattled Syrian territories.

This includes scores of refugee students who have obtained the highest scores at their academic institutions; hundreds of refugee sportsmen/sportswomen who snatched the first places in regional and international competitions; dozens of artists who received renowned literary awards for their products and performances; and several housewives who turned trauma into a space of creativity.

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