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The Local Council of Beit Sahem Denies Rumors about Demanding Yarmouk Residents to Leave the Town

Published : 16-06-2015

 The Local Council of Beit Sahem Denies Rumors about Demanding Yarmouk Residents to Leave the Town

The local council of Beit Sahem town in Damascus suburb issued a statement denying rumors about to giving the residents, who were displaced from Yarmouk to Beit Sahem town after ISIS storming, a couple of days to leave the town.

The statement, which the AGPS received a copy of it, confirmed that  the cause of confusion contributes to the abuse of some residents of Yarmouk who are living in a building, which prompted the owners of these buildings to demand the departure of the offended only, and gave them two days to leave, but the Senate and the local council agreed to address abuses and find quickly solutions to these problems. "

The statement stressed the importance of brotherhood bonds among the people of Beit Sahem and the people of Yarmouk who fled to the town after ISIS storming early on April 2015, noting that the people of the Beit Sahem refused to open a shelter for the displaced residents of Yarmouk, but they opened residential buildings and prepared them as much as possible in order to preserve their feelings, and to secure the most basic necessities of life to the displaced people of Yarmouk.

Meanwhile, the local council of Beit Sahem denounced provocative campaigns and rumors of territorial obnoxious characteristic, which is trying to abuse the people of Beit Sahem, creating a gap between them and the people of the Yarmouk camp.

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The local council of Beit Sahem town in Damascus suburb issued a statement denying rumors about to giving the residents, who were displaced from Yarmouk to Beit Sahem town after ISIS storming, a couple of days to leave the town.

The statement, which the AGPS received a copy of it, confirmed that  the cause of confusion contributes to the abuse of some residents of Yarmouk who are living in a building, which prompted the owners of these buildings to demand the departure of the offended only, and gave them two days to leave, but the Senate and the local council agreed to address abuses and find quickly solutions to these problems. "

The statement stressed the importance of brotherhood bonds among the people of Beit Sahem and the people of Yarmouk who fled to the town after ISIS storming early on April 2015, noting that the people of the Beit Sahem refused to open a shelter for the displaced residents of Yarmouk, but they opened residential buildings and prepared them as much as possible in order to preserve their feelings, and to secure the most basic necessities of life to the displaced people of Yarmouk.

Meanwhile, the local council of Beit Sahem denounced provocative campaigns and rumors of territorial obnoxious characteristic, which is trying to abuse the people of Beit Sahem, creating a gap between them and the people of the Yarmouk camp.

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