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Dozens of Dead Bodies Trapped Under Rubble in Yarmouk Camp

Published : 22-05-2022

Dozens of Dead Bodies Trapped Under Rubble in Yarmouk Camp

Scores of dead bodies in the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk, south of Damascus, remain trapped under the mounds of debris piled up in the camp.

The victims were mostly killed in strikes launched by the Syrian regime and their Russian partners on April 19, 2018.

According to local activists, the bodies of Haifa AlHaj and her husband Mohamed Hadaba, along with Inshirah AlShaabi, Abdul Hadi Ghoutani, Basema Ghoutani, Walid AlWazir, and Salah Abeiat have been stranded under the stacks of debris on Ata AlZeir Street, in the camp.

The victims were killed in the offensive launched by the Syrian fighter jets on April 19, 2018 to recapture the camp.

Over recent years, AGPS has called on the Syrian government to allow paramedics and civil defense crews a safe access to Yarmouk Camp so as to remove the bodies of civilians who were killed in the round of hostilities launched by the government forces.

The Syrian government forces regained control over Yarmouk Camp and southern Damascus towns, following a 33-day military operation launched on April 19. Over 30 civilians were killed and dozens more injured in the offensive. Heavy material damage was wrought on more than 60% of civilian buildings and property.


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Scores of dead bodies in the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk, south of Damascus, remain trapped under the mounds of debris piled up in the camp.

The victims were mostly killed in strikes launched by the Syrian regime and their Russian partners on April 19, 2018.

According to local activists, the bodies of Haifa AlHaj and her husband Mohamed Hadaba, along with Inshirah AlShaabi, Abdul Hadi Ghoutani, Basema Ghoutani, Walid AlWazir, and Salah Abeiat have been stranded under the stacks of debris on Ata AlZeir Street, in the camp.

The victims were killed in the offensive launched by the Syrian fighter jets on April 19, 2018 to recapture the camp.

Over recent years, AGPS has called on the Syrian government to allow paramedics and civil defense crews a safe access to Yarmouk Camp so as to remove the bodies of civilians who were killed in the round of hostilities launched by the government forces.

The Syrian government forces regained control over Yarmouk Camp and southern Damascus towns, following a 33-day military operation launched on April 19. Over 30 civilians were killed and dozens more injured in the offensive. Heavy material damage was wrought on more than 60% of civilian buildings and property.


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