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Shelling at Yarmouk, and Spread of Jaundice and Typhoid Again

Published : 16-06-2015

Shelling at Yarmouk, and Spread of Jaundice and Typhoid Again

Artillery bombing targeted different areas of the Yarmouk Camp south of Damascus, and resulted in only material damages.

In the meantime, medical sources reported that many diseases to spread returned again among the people of the Yarmouk camp; such as Jaundice, typhoid, and diseases related to lack of water such as kidney, pancreas, and hygiene-related skin diseases.

 The spread of such diseases came as a result of siege imposed on the camp by the regular army and the PFGC, the continued power cuts, the lack of medicines, and the lack of medical care.

During the last period, the number of sick cases who were registered was as follows: (27) case of typhoid fever (typhoid), (28) case of septic hepatitis (jaundice), and (46) case of respiratory infection, pointing out that most of them are children.

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Artillery bombing targeted different areas of the Yarmouk Camp south of Damascus, and resulted in only material damages.

In the meantime, medical sources reported that many diseases to spread returned again among the people of the Yarmouk camp; such as Jaundice, typhoid, and diseases related to lack of water such as kidney, pancreas, and hygiene-related skin diseases.

 The spread of such diseases came as a result of siege imposed on the camp by the regular army and the PFGC, the continued power cuts, the lack of medicines, and the lack of medical care.

During the last period, the number of sick cases who were registered was as follows: (27) case of typhoid fever (typhoid), (28) case of septic hepatitis (jaundice), and (46) case of respiratory infection, pointing out that most of them are children.

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