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Palestinian Artist Expresses Solidarity with Family of 2 Victims of Migrant Boat

Published : 28-05-2022

Palestinian Artist Expresses Solidarity with Family of 2 Victims of Migrant Boat

Palestinian cartoonist Ahmed Kaddoura drew a painting expressing his solidarity with the victims of the boat that sank off the Tunisian coast a few days ago.

Kaddoura said the painting translates the tragedy of Palestinians who died at sea as they attempted to flee war and economic hardship. He himself witnessed the horrors of illegal migration from Turkey to Italy.

“The heavens will always open its doors to Palestinian refugees who feel out of place in this world”, he said.


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Palestinian cartoonist Ahmed Kaddoura drew a painting expressing his solidarity with the victims of the boat that sank off the Tunisian coast a few days ago.

Kaddoura said the painting translates the tragedy of Palestinians who died at sea as they attempted to flee war and economic hardship. He himself witnessed the horrors of illegal migration from Turkey to Italy.

“The heavens will always open its doors to Palestinian refugees who feel out of place in this world”, he said.


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