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A Palestinian Child Dies due to the Ongoing Conflict in Syria

Published : 17-06-2015

A Palestinian Child Dies due to the Ongoing Conflict in Syria

The 11-year-child "Mohammed Shehabi" from the Yarmouk camp, died to wounds he attained by a shell shrapnel fell on the suburb of al-Assad in Damascus.

In the meantime, the AGPS monitoring and documentation team documented "1097" Palestinian victims who died in the Yarmouk camp in Damascus.

Shelling, clashes, and torture to death were the main reasons that led to their deaths, added to that siege imposed by the regular army and PFGC groups, which claimed the lives of "176" refugees who died due to malnutrition and medical care shortage.

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The 11-year-child "Mohammed Shehabi" from the Yarmouk camp, died to wounds he attained by a shell shrapnel fell on the suburb of al-Assad in Damascus.

In the meantime, the AGPS monitoring and documentation team documented "1097" Palestinian victims who died in the Yarmouk camp in Damascus.

Shelling, clashes, and torture to death were the main reasons that led to their deaths, added to that siege imposed by the regular army and PFGC groups, which claimed the lives of "176" refugees who died due to malnutrition and medical care shortage.

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