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Explosive Barrels Target an UNRWA School at Khan AL Shieh Camp, and Activists Launch 'Save Khan Al Shieh' Campaign

Published : 17-06-2015

Explosive Barrels Target an UNRWA School at Khan AL Shieh Camp, and Activists Launch

Violent bombing with explosive barrels targeted Khan AL Shieh camp in Damascus suburb, where the shelling targeted Deir Amr and Bear Saabea Schools of UNRWA.

 Meanwhile, "Khayrea Ahmed," Syrian nationality died due to shelling that led a number of civilian casualties, while the AGPS correspondent reported that an extreme state of panic and fear prevailed among residents, especially children and women.

The camp was also targeted yesterday afternoon to heavy shelling rocked parts of the camp, where several mortar shells landed in the vicinity of the eastern lane "water tank," and the voices of rockets were heard at the camp, which launched from the regular army site in Talet Kawkab towards the town of Quneitra and Daraa.

In the meantime, the services team Palestine Charity Committee open roads and remove the rubble caused by the explosives container at the center of the camp, and repair the power supply, as well as, the services team of Jafra Foundation participated cleaning out rubble and roads following the bombing of the camp.

In a related context, activists of the Palestinian camps launched a campaign on the (Facebook) under the title, 'Save Khan AL Shieh Camp,' due to the siege imposed on the camp, and the continuation target with explosive barrels, rockets, and mortar shells, which killed nearly (125 ) victims.

According to one of the activists that the campaign came after the heavy shelling with explosive barrels that targeted Khan Al Shieh camp yesterday, as well as to shed light on the suffering of the people who are suffering from stressful economic and living crises since the beginning of the war in Syria,

Another activist stressed that the primary goal of the campaign is to protect civilians, save the camp, and neutralize it from the conflict in Syria.

For their part, the elders and activists of Khan Al Shieh camp called not to push their camp in the conflict in Syria, as they stressed that the camp includes unarmed civilians who do not carry any type of weapon, thus, they appeal all parties to avoid the camp the scourge of what is happening in Syria,

 They also appealed to all stakeholders, including the International, represented by the United Nations and UNRWA, the Palestinian factions, and the PLO which sees itself as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, to intervene to lift the injustice and oppression for all Palestinian refugee camps in Syria, including Khan Al Shieh camp.

The town of Khan Al Shieh in Damascus suburb is considered one of the most towns that were targeted with explosive barrels, as the number of barrels that were dropped by helicopters of the Syrian regime, has reached 860 barrels.

 About "35" barrels were dropped at Khan AL Shieh camp, in addition to the 80 raids by warplanes, including 30 raids with the modern, mass destructive, Sukhoi Su-24aircraft.

It is noteworthy that Khan Al Shieh camp in the western Ghouta of the capital Damascus is the second largest compound of Palestinian refugees on Syrian territory after the Yarmouk refugee camp south of the capital.

Khan Al Shieh camp has been targeted by the Syrian regime air forces with explosive barrels almost daily, resulting in victims and wounded among civilians and displaced people, while the population estimated with about 12 thousand people,

 Moreover, hundreds of displaced people fleeing the towns and cities of western Ghouta, such as Muadamiyat al-Sham, and Darya because of the deteriorating security situation, while all roads leading to the camp are still closed, as Zakya is always exposed to shelling and sniping, which claimed the lives of many residents of the camp.

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Violent bombing with explosive barrels targeted Khan AL Shieh camp in Damascus suburb, where the shelling targeted Deir Amr and Bear Saabea Schools of UNRWA.

 Meanwhile, "Khayrea Ahmed," Syrian nationality died due to shelling that led a number of civilian casualties, while the AGPS correspondent reported that an extreme state of panic and fear prevailed among residents, especially children and women.

The camp was also targeted yesterday afternoon to heavy shelling rocked parts of the camp, where several mortar shells landed in the vicinity of the eastern lane "water tank," and the voices of rockets were heard at the camp, which launched from the regular army site in Talet Kawkab towards the town of Quneitra and Daraa.

In the meantime, the services team Palestine Charity Committee open roads and remove the rubble caused by the explosives container at the center of the camp, and repair the power supply, as well as, the services team of Jafra Foundation participated cleaning out rubble and roads following the bombing of the camp.

In a related context, activists of the Palestinian camps launched a campaign on the (Facebook) under the title, 'Save Khan AL Shieh Camp,' due to the siege imposed on the camp, and the continuation target with explosive barrels, rockets, and mortar shells, which killed nearly (125 ) victims.

According to one of the activists that the campaign came after the heavy shelling with explosive barrels that targeted Khan Al Shieh camp yesterday, as well as to shed light on the suffering of the people who are suffering from stressful economic and living crises since the beginning of the war in Syria,

Another activist stressed that the primary goal of the campaign is to protect civilians, save the camp, and neutralize it from the conflict in Syria.

For their part, the elders and activists of Khan Al Shieh camp called not to push their camp in the conflict in Syria, as they stressed that the camp includes unarmed civilians who do not carry any type of weapon, thus, they appeal all parties to avoid the camp the scourge of what is happening in Syria,

 They also appealed to all stakeholders, including the International, represented by the United Nations and UNRWA, the Palestinian factions, and the PLO which sees itself as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, to intervene to lift the injustice and oppression for all Palestinian refugee camps in Syria, including Khan Al Shieh camp.

The town of Khan Al Shieh in Damascus suburb is considered one of the most towns that were targeted with explosive barrels, as the number of barrels that were dropped by helicopters of the Syrian regime, has reached 860 barrels.

 About "35" barrels were dropped at Khan AL Shieh camp, in addition to the 80 raids by warplanes, including 30 raids with the modern, mass destructive, Sukhoi Su-24aircraft.

It is noteworthy that Khan Al Shieh camp in the western Ghouta of the capital Damascus is the second largest compound of Palestinian refugees on Syrian territory after the Yarmouk refugee camp south of the capital.

Khan Al Shieh camp has been targeted by the Syrian regime air forces with explosive barrels almost daily, resulting in victims and wounded among civilians and displaced people, while the population estimated with about 12 thousand people,

 Moreover, hundreds of displaced people fleeing the towns and cities of western Ghouta, such as Muadamiyat al-Sham, and Darya because of the deteriorating security situation, while all roads leading to the camp are still closed, as Zakya is always exposed to shelling and sniping, which claimed the lives of many residents of the camp.

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