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Palestinian Camps in Syria Receive Ramadan under Shelling and Siege

Published : 19-06-2015

Palestinian Camps in Syria Receive Ramadan under Shelling and Siege

The Palestinian camps in Syria received the first day of Ramadan in difficult living circumstances, siege, bombing, and the prevention of the refugees to return back were the most prominent aspects.

The Syrian Regime and the PFGC groups are still imposing a siege on the Yarmouk camp for 721 days respectively and the ISIS still control wide spaces of the camp since the incursion in April 2015. The Regular Army prevents the residents of Al Husaeneyya camp to return back since 602 days and the residents of Al Sbeina camp since 583 days.

The Regular Army cuts the roads that connect Khan Al Sheih camp in Damascus Suburb with Damascus except Zakia –Khan Al Sheih road.

The Syrian Opposition prevents the residents of Handarat camp in Aleppo to return back to their houses since about 785 days and the residents of Jaramana, Al Sayeda Zainab, Al Aedin in Homs, Al Nairab in Aleppo, and Al Raml at Latakia still live in calm and careful state concentrated on their living aspect.

The Residents of Daraa camp suffer of difficult living situations most prominent is the lack of medical and health services inside the camp. In general, thousands of Palestinian Syrian refugees share the same suffering such as housing, unemployment houses rents and the power and water cut.

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The Palestinian camps in Syria received the first day of Ramadan in difficult living circumstances, siege, bombing, and the prevention of the refugees to return back were the most prominent aspects.

The Syrian Regime and the PFGC groups are still imposing a siege on the Yarmouk camp for 721 days respectively and the ISIS still control wide spaces of the camp since the incursion in April 2015. The Regular Army prevents the residents of Al Husaeneyya camp to return back since 602 days and the residents of Al Sbeina camp since 583 days.

The Regular Army cuts the roads that connect Khan Al Sheih camp in Damascus Suburb with Damascus except Zakia –Khan Al Sheih road.

The Syrian Opposition prevents the residents of Handarat camp in Aleppo to return back to their houses since about 785 days and the residents of Jaramana, Al Sayeda Zainab, Al Aedin in Homs, Al Nairab in Aleppo, and Al Raml at Latakia still live in calm and careful state concentrated on their living aspect.

The Residents of Daraa camp suffer of difficult living situations most prominent is the lack of medical and health services inside the camp. In general, thousands of Palestinian Syrian refugees share the same suffering such as housing, unemployment houses rents and the power and water cut.

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